If you have any concerns after your procedure, please call the number on your discharge instructions. Day of your procedure, you may call the Surgery Center until 4:00 PM. After 4:00PM or day after, you may call our office.
After Returning Home
How and when do I get results of biopsies?
If you had biopsies taken, you will receive a call, message in our Patient Portal, or a letter in the mail in 2 to 4 weeks with the results. If you have not received the results within 4 weeks, call your doctor’s office to ask for them.
How soon can I start taking my regular medications?
Start taking you regular medications when you are tolerating fluids and regular food unless your doctor says not to.
Will I need pain medicine after I am discharged?
No. It is normal to have mild cramps and bloating over the next 24 hours, but pain medication should not be needed after your procedure.
How soon can I eat after the procedure?
You may eat at any time after your procedure. You may want to start with a light meal after leaving the surgery center. If that goes well, then you can go back to your regular diet.