Procedure FAQs
Commonly Asked Questions About Procedures
Below are responses to questions that are frequently asked by our patients related to their upcoming appointment or procedure. Should you have additional questions that are not answered below, please don’t hesitate to call our office at (802) 864-7483.
This information applies to Colonoscopy, EGD, and Sigmoidoscopy procedures.
May I eat or drink before my procedure?
Be sure to carefully follow the prep instructions for your specific procedure related to eating and drinking. If you do not follow the instructions, your test may be delayed or rescheduled. DO NOT drink water or any liquids 2 hours before your procedure.
Should I continue to take my regular medications BEFORE my procedure?
Some of your medications (such as blood thinners and GLP-1 Agonists) may need to be stopped for a few days before your procedure. In almost all cases, you MUST let us know if you take blood thinners or GLP-1 drugs (Such as: Ozempic, Victoza, Trulicity, Mounjaro, Rybelsus), as these must be held before you have your procedure. At the time your procedure is scheduled, we will discuss with you how to manage these changes. We may need to confirm these with your prescribing doctor. If you are on insulin or other medications for diabetes and/or pain medications, please CHECK with your PRESCRIBING physician for specific instructions. Otherwise, take your regular medications, including inhalers. If you have questions, please call us (802-864-7483).
What happens if I don’t follow my prep instructions?
It is extremely important that you review the prep instructions well in advance of your appointment, and follow them to properly prepare for the procedure. This enables your doctor to perform an effective and comprehensive examination. Patients that are unprepped for their procedures will need to be rescheduled and may incur additional charges.
What if I have questions after I get home?
If you have any concerns after your procedure, please call the number on your discharge instructions.
Day of your procedure, you may call the Surgery Center until 4:00 PM. After 4:00PM or day after, you may call our office.
How and when do I get results of biopsies?
If you had biopsies taken, you will receive a call, message in our Patient Portal, or a letter in the mail in 2 to 4 weeks with the results. If you have not received the results within 4 weeks, call your doctor’s office to ask for them.
How soon can I start taking my regular medications?
Start taking you regular medications when you are tolerating fluids and regular food unless your doctor says not to.
Will I need pain medicine after I am discharged?
No. It is normal to have mild cramps and bloating over the next 24 hours, but pain medication should not be needed after your procedure.
How soon can I eat after the procedure?
You may eat at any time after your procedure. You may want to start with a light meal after leaving the surgery center. If that goes well, then you can go back to your regular diet.
Can I drive? Can I go back to work?
YOU CANNOT DRIVE HOME, nor drive the rest of the day. YOU CANNOT WORK the rest of the day.
For your safety, it is preferred that you have a trusted person that can drive you to and from the procedure. The procedure cannot be done if you are not accompanied by a responsible adult driver. Taking a bus, rideshare service, or taxi alone is not considered to be safe and is not authorized.
May I have something to eat or drink immediately after the procedure?
The surgery center care team will give you a drink and light snack after your procedure. You may eat additional food at any time after your procedure. You may want to start with a light meal after leaving the surgery center. If that goes well, then you can go back to your regular diet.
How long does the procedure last?
The procedure usually lasts 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the procedure booked.
What kind of medicine will I receive?
After you arrive in the procedure room and have talked to the doctor, you will be given medication to make you sleepy. The goal is to make you comfortable. Most patients remember little or nothing of the procedure because of these medications.
When will I go to the procedure room and who will be with me?
Once the doctor is ready, you will be taken to the procedure room. Your doctor and nurse will be with you. No family or friends will be allowed in the procedure room.
How long is the recovery time?
The recovery time is usually 15 to 30 minutes. You will then be discharged to be driven home by your driver.
How long does the procedure take?
The total time you will be in the Endoscopy Suite will be 2 to 3 hours at the University of Vermont Medical Center, and about 1 to 2 hours at the Green Mountain Surgery Center. You must have a responsible adult driver who will be there for discharge instructions and to drive you home.
The procedure cannot be done if you are not accompanied by a responsible adult driver. Taking a bus, rideshare service, or taxi alone is not considered to be safe and is not authorized.
What will happen when I get there?
A nurse will ask you questions and take your blood pressure, pulse, and temperature. An IV line will be placed so you can get fluid and medications during your procedure. Waiting times may vary from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on your needs and any delays.
What about jewelry?
For safety during the procedure, all jewelry should be removed before you come to either the University of Vermont Medical Center or the Green Mountain Surgery Center. This includes earrings, rings, necklaces, and body jewelry. Vermont Gastroenterology and the Green Mountain Surgery Center are not liable for any valuables/jewelry that are lost during an appointment.
What should I bring with me?
Bring your insurance card and photo ID. You should also bring any forms that you completed that were not sent to us yet. Some patients also find it helpful to bring their medication list for the nurses at check-in. If you use inhalers, bring them with you.
Do I need to stop at a Registration Desk?
Yes. If your procedure or appointment is scheduled at UVMMC, you will need to stop at the Registration Desk 1 hour before your procedure, even if you are pre-registered. It is located on Level 3 of the Ambulatory Care Center of the University of Vermont Medical Center. You will then be directed to the Endoscopy Suite, located on West Pavilion, Level 4.
If your procedure is scheduled at Green Mountain Surgery Center, please enter the building and report to the reception desk 45 minutes before your procedure appointment time.
The day of my procedure, should I take my regular medications?
If you are on insulin or other medications for diabetes and/or pain medications, please CHECK with your REGULAR physician for specific instructions. In almost all cases, you MUST let us know if you take blood thinners or GLP-1 drugs (Such as: Ozempic, Victoza, Trulicity, Mounjaro, Rybelsus), as these must be held before you have your procedure. Your scheduler will also provide you instructions at the time of scheduling. Otherwise, take your regular meds and inhalers with a sip of water unless your doctor tells you otherwise.
When should I arrive for my procedure?
You should arrive for check-in 45 minutes before your scheduled procedure appointment time.
Still have questions?
Understandably, you may have questions about scheduling, your upcoming appointment, payment, and other topics related to our practice. If you have questions, please reach out to us.