Procedure Prep Instructions
How to Prepare For Your Upcoming Procedure
Our caring team has put together preparation instructions for procedures commonly performed at our practice. When your procedure was scheduled, you were told which prep method you would use. Please download and review the indicated instructions document below – it contains important information about your upcoming procedure.
Download Prep Instructions
Nulytely / Golytely
PH Study
H-Pylori Breath Test Instructions
Upper Endoscopy (EGD) Prep
Sigmoidoscopy Prep
Helpful Tips for Preparing for a Procedure
- Review our Procedures FAQ page
- Make preparations to have someone drive you to and from your procedure.
- Clear your schedule for the day of your procedure to allow you time to comfortably relax and recover. This is important as you may not feel well enough to work or engage in regular activities for some hours after your procedure.
- IMPORTANT REMINDER: If you are on insulin or other medications for diabetes and/or pain medications, please CHECK with your REGULAR physician for specific instructions. In almost all cases, you MUST let us know if you take blood thinners or GLP-1 drugs (Such as: Ozempic, Victoza, Trulicity, Mounjaro, Rybelsus), as these must be held before you have your procedure.
Procedure Information
Click on the links below to learn more about a specific procedure:
Still have questions?
Understandably, you may have questions about scheduling, your upcoming appointment, payment, and other topics related to our practice. Visit our “Frequently Asked Questions” page for answers to commonly asked questions.